Pay off student debt with SavvyFi
Welcome! You’re on your way to using your wellness stipend to help pay off student loans.

Welcome! You’re on your way to using your wellness stipend to help pay off student loans.
Choose a monthly stipend amount on Forma.
Open a SavvyFi account with your work email and enter the Forma code.
Connect your student loans to the SavvyFi account.
SavvyFi sends your stipend contribution to your loans each month.
Every situation is different, but consider you have a $20,000 loan to be paid back in 20 years. At a 5% interest rate and 20 year total repayment term, you will pay $11,677.88 in interest alone.
By adding just an additional $20 per month to your student loan payment, the same loan with the same terms can be paid back 5 years faster plus you’ll save a few thousand dollars on interest too.
SavvyFi is a digital web application that allows you to save for a loved one’s education and/or pay down your current student loans more quickly with cashback rewards on everyday shopping, gifts from friends and family, and for select workplaces, employer contributions.
Choose how much of your available wellness stipend funds on Forma you would like to allocate to pay down your student debt. Once you select this amount and link your loans, SavvyFi will send that amount on the first of the month.
SavvyFi has direct integrations into more than 90% of student loan servicers, which allows you to easily connect your loans in a frictionless and paperless way on any device.
In your profile, you are given a personalized link to share with others. This allows you to easily receive gifts and messages from friends and family, which are directly applied to your linked loans. Gifts can be funded with bank accounts, credit cards, and PayPal.
Savvy Financial, Inc. (“SavvyFi”) is a web-based investment adviser. Our investment advisory services are made available to U.S. residents only. This website shall not be considered a solicitation or offering for any service or product to any person in any jurisdiction where such solicitation or offer would be unlawful. Nothing in this website should be construed as investment, legal, tax, regulatory or accounting advice. Prospective investors should consult with their own legal, regulatory, tax, business, investment, financial and accounting advisers. While distributions to cover K–12 tuition are tax-free on the federal level, state tax treatment will vary, and you should check with your tax professional for details. All investments involve risk, including the possible loss of money you invest, and past performance does not guarantee future performance.